CO-OPERAS IN launches blog and releases preprint on FAIRification services

The CO-OPERAS Implementation Network is continusly making an effort to reach the FAIR community. Focusing on scholarly communication in the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) domain, the CO-OPERAS has recently released a preprint version of a paper on Zenodo and launched a blog.

The paper FAIRifying a scholarly publishing service: Elements for a toolkit focuses on the specificities of publishing systems. The work describes the main components of the methodology employed by OpenEdition to assess the degree of FAIRness of its data. Such components provide the framework to develop a toolkit that will help publishing platforms to understand, evaluate, and plan the FAIRification. This paper was at the core of CO-OPERAS’ presentation A Framework for academic publishing during the FAIR Festival 2021.

Although publishing systems tend to converge more and more with research data repositories, they still have specificities concerning data types, technical standards, workflows, and legal statuses. The main challenge here is to achieve both the primary goal of publishing systems—the dissemination—and their additional mission regarding machine-readable data provision—the datafication. These two aspects are not contradictory, and the FAIR principles precisely facilitate their convergence.

Read more about the FAIRification of a scholarly publishing service

The other CO-OPERAS’ publication is the scientific blog The road to FAIR. It addresses the challenges of implementing FAIR principles to the various domains of Social Sciences and Humanities and aims at contributing to the advancement of FAIRification in the SSH community.

The content of the blog is organized in different axes:

technical aspects associated with the different FAIR constitutive elements;
presentation of different networks, projects, and opportunities for collaboration;
resources (e.g., tools, software, applications) that can assist the journey to FAIRification;
experiences of FAIR implementation, examples of standards and good practices, etc.;
news and announcements of events related to FAIR Principles.

The road to FAIR blog is open for contributions.

This article was written by Karla Avanço and Arnaud Gingold, one of the CO-OPERAS IN Coordinators.

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