First data-visiting of data safely held in FAIR Data points

After the successful deployment of seven machine-actionable FAIR Data Points in Africa, a test to execute a machine-based querying of FAIR Data Points across continents between Leiden University Medical Center and Kampala International University was successful.

Mirjam van Reisen (IN Coordinator of IN-Africa and one of the coordinators of the Ambassadors IN) said:

Today we have shown the first data-visiting of data safely held in FAIR Data points within the hospitals. Data is handled in accordance with the regulatory frameworks that apply in each location. This is a major step forward to ensure that data stays where it belongs but can serve the global health community to find solutions to the pandemic. It is also proof that the Internet of FAIR Data and Services can be realised.

Read all about in the news section of VODAN Africa.

Visit VODAN’s webpage for more information about this GO FAIR Implementation Network.

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